Our advantages

guarantee of confidentiality for each family
talent identification, career guidance

in the selection of an educational institution abroad

with our customers

with reliable boarding schools and universities around the world
individual curriculum development and career planning

of the child’s academic performance and reporting for parents

for the student during the entire period of study abroad
We offer these services

Our approach
We are not simply sending students to study abroad- we engage ourselves in the academic planning. Together with parents we prepare individual academic path for each student: from their first boarding school to their university application and further career planning.

Our way to determine where our students will go, requires two meetings with the child and his parents
Parents come with their child and we discuss their desires and visions of the future path they are hoping their child will take
We meet with the child without parents so that he himself can tell us where he sees himself in 10 years
After these two meetings, we prepare options for the parents, in our opinion, suitable specifically to their child. Then the final choice is up to them.
We offer a 10’000 USD bursary for a child to study in the US
For details contact our team
Countries we think are best for secondary and higher education
- High standards of education. recognized throughout the world
- Academic excellence of private schools
- A centuries-old experience of upbringing and the ability to discover the talent of every child
- Concentration on the development of personality
- Europe-UK distance – 3-5 hours by plan
- Emigration Policy
- Unusual weather conditions, climate
- Complex visa procedure
- Strict discipline of schools, which is not suitable for all children
- Food diversity
- The need to appoint English guardians to foreign children under 18 years of age
- Immigration policy
- The largest number of universities in TOP-100
- High quality scientific infrastructure
- Tolerance to different cultures
- High prospects for employment
- Unlimited opportunities for scholarships and bursuaries for university studies
- Considerable distance from Europe
- The need for personal consulting when choosing an educational institution
- Comfortable and safe residencial areas
- Climate, weather conditions
- Emigration policy and the possibility of obtaining a passport
- Knowledge and studying of at least 2 languages
- The possibility of visa-free travel in the Schengen countries
- The possibility of free higher education in public institutions of education in Switzerland after completing secondary education
- High level of medical care
- Cost per annum
- Large numbers of Russian-speaking pupils in schools
- Switzerland 17,0%
- USA 23,0%
- UK 37,0%

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